Spider Veins

Spider Vein Treatment Procedure with Asclera

* See Disclaimer

Your spider vein treatment procedure may include the following steps: 


The common method of treating spider veins in the legs and ankles is called sclerotherapy.

During treatment, a sclerosing solution is injected into the affected veins. The injection irritates the inside of the vein, and over time the vein will collapse and fade from view.

If you have multiple spider veins, the treatment will require multiple injections to collapse all the veins.

Bright light and magnification may be used to ensure maximum precision while injecting the sclerosing solution. You can see the process here!


After treatment, the area may be dressed with compressive tape or stockings, or an elastic Ace wrap for a period of time.

The veined area often looks a bit bruised initially, and the color slowly fades over the course of a few weeks.

Some people can have a bit of brownish discoloration (hyperpigmentation) occur to the area during the healing process. This hyperpigmentation fades as well, but may take months.

*Skin Ambitions patients have been known for complete satisfaction of completed treatments, but results may vary depending on the individual. No guarantee is provided or implied.