March Specials from Skin Ambitions
Juvederm Voluma for curvy and soft looking cheeks, defined jawline and chin augmentation. Long lasting, 18 to 24 months duration, soft and natural looking results.
Save $50 on first syringe
$70 on second syringe
$100 on third syringe
Regularly $850 per syringe.
10% off the Botox treatment when it is done together with filler at the same appointment.
Very popular! We are keeping it on special this month again.
Sublative and Sublime treatments 10% off for the month of March!
Sublative RF uses radio frequency technology to tighten skin, shrink large pores, and heal previous acne scarring as well as improve mild to moderate wrinkles, red and brown spots, stretchmarks and textural irregularities. It generates deep dermal heating in the targeted skin region to induce skin injury, which elicits a wound healing response which leads to tighter, rejuvenated skin. Sublative restores a youthful glow and smooths skin texture without the pain or downtime associated with more invasive treatments, effectively targeting the skin’s imperfections .
Sublime is a non-invasive, skin tightening and wrinkle reduction laser treatment that utilizes light energy and bipolar radio frequency to penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production, targeting areas with poor skin laxity and resulting in a more refreshed and youthful appearance. Sublime treatment effectively tightens loose surface skin, improves skin texture, treats mild to moderate wrinkles, and improves skin elasticity/firmness.